

Yahweh is real in our everyday experience
As we move and have our being
When we see the green grasses
Sloping, giving us the beauty of smiles
Yahweh shows and smiles back at us
When in our human ego we value not
The beauty of his existence before us
When we move round the surface of the earth
Snuffing the cool breeze that slapped us in a playful abandon, Yahweh shows us this kindness and loving tenderness
How we sleep and wake up
Wonder tell us Yahweh cares
Having the birds fly over our heads
Tell us how real and tender Yahweh is
For the fishes to abode in understanding
Like a united army prepared for the best war
Only to be fished out to form delicacies
In the stomach of man, the ambassador
How kindness, this regard for man
All to the happiness of soul spirit and flesh
From the strength of the mammal lived man
How kind, how wonderful, Yahweh love’s man
Be … hairs and fingernails
Being groomed each passing day
Shows the ultimate love and care
Yahweh shows real good for us all
Marvelous even to think how he loves
When we do not even deserve it
Yahweh indeed is real in our lives
So real in times of difficult
The only father who know faithfulness
Night ad day all can give account of all
Yahweh’s goodness to humanity
Never cease inn his love
In all sphere He beheld us to His love
Like the faithful Father He his
He beans our pains strictly
Place Himself in our place
Even when we regret His goodness
Hawed on us all sinners,
With Yahweh’s patience we are all alive
Yahweh allows the night and day
Never to deny us freedom
To sleep and live our free lives.

Allanso Jonathan Allanso
The Mirror Poet
Facebook:- Allanso Jonathan Allanso
Tel: 08037384663

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