
Prayer: Benefits and Misconceptions

Prayer, since the beginning of time, has been regarded as a way of communicating with God Almighty. While this is true, the mode and manner of this communication needs to be put in the right perspective so that the individual who wishes to know the proper way of this communication with God will have a clear understanding of this activity.
The early man knew intrinsically that there was a way to communicate with God. He also knew that there was a being capable of changing the course of his life. So with little understanding of the meaning of his life and existence more than six million years ago (according to carbonated dating), man continues to believe that this great force was outside of itself.
Thus, the early man would wake up early in the morning and bow to the rising sun believing that since the sun rose daily and gives its blessings through the warmth and the light rays, it must be of a spiritual significance. Thus began the worship of the sun god. Man in his fright then believed that the sun held great powers and was an early representation of God.
Through the various evolutionary stages of man, he has grown from the worship of idols to the worship of a mental God today through the different images man has placed before himself all in an attempt to communicate with God Almighty. In other words man has graduated from communicating with God through physical means to that point where man would deploy the use of sounds in his communication with God. This is why today’ s man would sit or kneel endlessly trying to tell God who created him on how to run his life better!
Sometime ago, man also believed that the earth was the center of creation and that the earth was flat and since man was the apex of creation, earth would therefore rightfully be the center of Gods creation. It took man more than six hundred years for man to accept the theory of Gallelio and his team that the earth was indeed round and not flat. Through the knowledge of gravity, man learnt that he could not fall from the surface of the earth as was feared early by the ignorant man. It took the church hundreds of years to apologize for this wrongful thinking.
Amongst the early men of those days, those who could remember their dreams then were thought to have the power of divination. Thus began the colony of priests who held control over their fellow men claiming to be mouth pieces for information flow from God. Thus the enslavement of man began till this day. Those who were smart enough to listen to the continuous communication from God through their dreams were able to possess powerful information while the lazy ones were made to pay through their spiritual laziness to contact God through their dreams .We still have these group of people in our midst today who give the impression that they only can communicate with God and thus have been enslaving the spiritually lazy man by ‘praying’ on their behalf to God. The ignorant man would continue to pay others to help contact God through prayers while the spiritually adventurous man would strive to contact God directly.
The pastors and priests will continue to smile to the banks as long as we have spiritually lazy individuals who have decided to contact God through others!
So what is prayer?
Prayer is that tool that the unselfish man can use to communicate directly with his Creator. It is that which man can use to determine the will of God in all situations. It’s a spiritual activity that is capable of linking man to God directly without going through any intermediaries. As it is written and agreed by all religions, God created and concluded creation within seven days. God looked at his creation and found that it was complete. In other words all possible circumstances, situations, and conditions have been created by God and man would not require God to create any new thing based on man’s own requests. What man needs to know is how to bring into manifestation whatever he needs in any given situation. This is known as the law of manifestation. Any man that wants God to create something new through prayer has a selfish desire.
What are the different types of prayer?
There are basically two different types of prayer: the directional and the non-directional.
The directional is the most common. This type of prayer attempts to tell God what to do. It is done out of ignorance anyway. For no man can attempt to direct the Creator to do his bidding. Usually the practitioners of this type of prayers are not aware of the law of manifestation and so they pride themselves of having the power to communicate with God Almighty whereas they are living in self delusion. For what they have succeeded in contacting is the Universal Mind Power otherwise known as Satan whose responsibility it is to grant that selfish individual who makes any material requests, his needs. For if man knows who he truly his why would he request anything from God? Is it not written in all holy books that Satan tests all who refer to themselves as ‘man of God’? And what is the test criteria but prosperity and a promise of all the riches of the world?
The non-directional prayer is the one that would say ‘God, let thy will be done!’ For whether man likes it or not, God’s will shall be done anyway. For this type of prayer is based on the principle that man is not separated from God and therefore why should man beg God for anything. Could there be a difference between the owner of the garden and his children in the garden except if they do not know that they are co=owners of the garden? How can a prince living in the ocean be begging for water to wash his eyes?
The principle of the non-directional prayer is based on the following truths:
Man clothed in flesh is Soul created in the image and likeness of God. He is the Holy Spirit individualized and as such is never separated from God. So when man prays to God he should realize that he is ignorantly praying to himself!
Secondly, man should know that whatever man needs for his spiritual and physical upkeep is already in existence and has already been provided by God Almighty and if he cannot bring it into physical manifestation, it is simply because he has not realized who he is and his relationship with his Creator.
Material acquisition in as much as it is necessary in this world is not an indication of man’s closeness to God but what is required of man is to be able to live the spiritual life which is to govern one’s mind and environment with love and make things easier for ones fellow man to grow spiritually.
So what is true prayer?
True prayer is repeating the Holy and Sacred name of God continuously for a period of twenty to thirty minutes each day to purify oneself of the illusions of the material worlds. Singing Hu has the ability to link the individual practitioner to God directly and the individual would be able to recognize the will of God in all situations.
The HU is known as the most beautiful prayer because it is simply a way of saying ‘God, I love you. Let thy will be done in my life’. It does not tell God what to do. It is a simple way of aligning the individual’s will with the will of God.
The Hu does not belong to any religion but it has the ability of uplifting any individual to spiritual heights in their various religions. Any individual who is interested in listening to the voice of God can sing the Hu quietly and with love before bedtime and the will of God in a particular situation can be revealed to the individual. But once man knows the will of God in any given situation, it must be obeyed to the letter.
Understanding the will of God is not achieved overnight. The individual would need to be sincere and act with love in all situations. For the individual to achieve this feat he must be trained in the act of co-working with God. Once the individual develops enough capacity to love and sings the Holy and Sacred name of God regularly, he is given an opportunity to meet the Spiritual Coach whose responsibility it is to train the individual on how to listen to this eternal voice of God, recognize the will of God and obey this will of God at all times!
Next week: To the heavens of God ( America) and back!

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