

She sweated under the harsh beats of the sun
She struggle her intellectual energy was ravished
To make ends meet she shunned all forms of fun
On her exuberant enterprise praise was lavished
Mama was given miniature state, glorified toys worthless handshake
For her many diligence that brought pay to the enterprise pockets
She worked like a Jacky, used like a donkey, worse than a slave
For salaries which cannot run errands in the markets.

Poor mama, poor poor mama; knowing papa suffered same fate
In the hands of these two faced knives, killing and smiling
“You worked from six to six, do not ever be late
Shun your break, give us overtime, be happy the company growing

Sarah, you used these cowries as pillars for your children
They will appreciate you with earthshaking care and burial
The company will be your youth, your voice, your friend
Sweet promises for her strength, she retired and got denial

Age held her legs, gray got her hair, frustration got her pension
Mama climbed up point block, fell down podium block
Rumpled first school learning and retirement letters gathering frustration
Poor mama gave all for joy that her past employers has padlocked

She has suffered enough, enough is enough
Give her, her pension, life has been rough and tough
Don’t frustrate her pension, what she needs now is spiced with affection

West Biokpo Joshua (08038397312

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