
Tips for Clean Healthy Environment

Children are much more vulnerable to air-borne pollutants than adults because their breathing passages have smaller diameter than those of the adults. Every act of small urination can narrow airways to dangerous degrees. Also, because children have higher metabolism, their bodies require more oxygen, relative to their size and weight, than adults. This means they breathe more rapidly than grown ups and thus inhale more pollutants per pound than the advantage adult. Unfortunately, they may be breathing a great deal of those pollutants in their classrooms, dinning halls, cafeterias, laboratories, hostels and other indoor areas of the school.

According to Environmental Protection Agencies, indoor levels of air pollution are frequently as much as fill times and sometimes more than 100 times higher than outdoor levels – and most people spend about 900% of their chemicals with hash or even toxic fumes. Pesticides are one of the bigger culprits. Dust in the air, particles of head base, base paint, carpet mildew, mound resulting from dampness, road dust, harsh cleaner’s pesticide, fragrances, chemicals from laboratories, overcrowd in class rooms and hostels.


Most boarding schools and colleges provide favourable opportunity for proliferation of pests, notably cockroaches and rats, due to the activities of students. For example, it is outlawed to bring food into hostels or most colleges and tertiary institutions but despite this regulation, the students still flout the order. They sometimes smuggle food into the hostels and classrooms. The left ovens and crumbs these foods however encourage pest in gestation. There is no doubt, whatever, that cockroaches, flies, termites, mice, rats and other pests pose health and property damage risk to school structure. Therefore, in the interest of maintaining a healthy and well functioning school, use of pesticide chemical is employed against such threat. It is a well known fact that rodents play an important role in transmission of diseases.

The excite organisms such as salmonellae. Their droppings, urine, as well as hair can contaminate food. Improper use of pesticides can put children and environment in danger.

Emeka Jilly Ejiowhor


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Tips for Clean Healthy Environment



