Soul Mate


 It is good to know that you are holding The Newswriter tabloid in your hands. It is even more gladdening to know that you are reading the Soul Mate column. But your reading the Soul Mate column will not be complete if you are not making use of the advices given herein.

It is in this vein that we strongly advise that you stop the life of gigolo and find your divine partner to live with as a life without a partner is not complete.

Again, to fulfill your purpose of life here on earth, please look out for that special soul meant for you to fulfill your purpose here on earth. Remember Eve was specially created for Adam to fulfill their purpose here on earth. A life without the perfect divine partner could not fulfill its purpose here on earth, that is the more reason the Soul Mate column should be taken serious by you that will have the opportunity to read the column.

 It is on this note that we will go to the next segment the Soul Mate column introduced in the bid to serve you better in all ramifications.


The plantain we eat as food is more than food to man’s life. You can also use plantain, also known as MUSA PARA DISIACA in the field of natural medicine as food and medicine, in treating lots of diseases and sickness. We are concerning this edition to venereal diseases as it concerns this column; I mean sexually transmitted diseases that are less than 12 months in the body.

You can use plantain root juice in effective treatment of GONORRHOEA, STAPHYLOCOCCUS and SYPHILIS. Take plantain root juice from the main plantain source and wash the root effectively. Make sure it is not infected. Extract the juice by means of either pounding locally in a mortar or juice machine, do away with the chaff, add little honey to the juice and take four tablespoonfuls every morning and evening for 60 days. You can use this method to treat all types of sexually transmitted diseases that is less than 12 months in the body.


Dear Editor, I am Pambari, 35 years old, male, residing in Yenagoa. I went through soul mate column for the first time, I must confess it very interesting. Please do not let me down on the request I want to make from you. I am of age to settle down yet I do not have any serious relationship going on in my life, despite my loving and caring nature to my dates. What could be responsible in my case?

Ans: My dear Pambari, life is funny, some times we say. But that is not true. Life gives you back what you have given to it in the past. The present life we live today and its conflicting result on our life is a debt we have owed it before.

What you sow is what you will definitely reap, otherwise called “karma.” Our past life behaviours come back to demand its debt. If we behave fine, the resultant effect in our life will be rosy. For instance, if ladies were nice to you in relationship and you on your part treated them wrongly, in your next existent in life you will be visited with the same treatment, sometime your own will be more because it has accumulated interest on your account.

I think that is what is happening to you considering your explanation. But you can do something to change your current plight. As from now on never grow annoyed with what is happening to you. Rather, start being extra tender to the next lady that will come into your life. Show only love, no more no less.

On a serious note, text me your birthday and the month you were born. This could be of help to me to help you get your perfect star match. Goodluck

Dear Editor, I am Jennifer, 39 years old, never settles down with a man. Now I am seriously looking forward to settling down with a loving man yet all attempts are working against me. What could be my problem?

Ans: Dear Jenny, it is a pity when you have your time to settle down you were never serious. You were assessing the background of your suitors that were begging you with seriousness. Your ego and wrong timing are some of the causes of your case. The same life you lived in your past existent on earth is what you are still reaping. Know that the world is governed with laws and principles in a more cosmic order; hence you cannot behave anyhow and have your way. Please go to Yahweh in prayers with confessions and start living the life of love and tenderness to all males and people that come your way.

Star service

Dear Editor, I am Eva 25 years old, nurse, residing inPort Harcourt. I find your star service counseling so interesting after following for sometime. Please tell me my perfect star match in a divine relationship. I am born 25th May. What is my star, career line, lucky days and months?

Your behaviour

Gemini women are demonstrative, tender and affectionate with inherent ability to make home. Both male and female Gemini are versatile, restless, nervous, extremist in nature, contradictory and changeable.

You as a Gemini woman have active mind, quick to grasp an advantage and see both sides of a question and able to adapt easily to any situation with tact and ease. You are sociable although have few friends. Sometimes not understood but unselfish and self-sacrificing.

Your most favourable Man match

Your true match was born under Sagittarius (November 23-December 21) although you will be most friendly with Libra and Aquarius people.

Your favourable day and month  Friday – August and December

The most suitable careers/jobs for Gemini: Are technical and engineering field. They also make good philosophers, politicians, they are also good at trading, they are also fond of traveling. ####

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