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Fuel Subsidy Removal: A Call For National Protest

When a single man buys food to feed his kinsmen he dictates how the food should be shared. But when the people have a common purse where somebody is put in place to oversee the sharing of food bought with the money, he does not take unilateral decision about the sharing of food, he rather seeks the people’s opinion before any cogent decision is taken.

According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s dictionary, the 6th edition, subsidy is defined as money that is paid by a government or an organization to reduce the costs of services or of producing goods so that their prices can be kept low. Indeed, based on the definition, it is now known that the plan to remove fuel subsidy is a plot to increase prices of all commodities and services thereby making life more miserable for the Nigerian masses who would not share in any advantage of the subsidy.

If the government wants to alleviate poverty in the country, there is no need for subsidy removal. It is obvious that the masterminds of the planned subsidy wished Nigerians a doomed future. The fuel subsidy removal would impoverish the people ofNigeriathe more. The Nigerian state is like a pregnant woman who has not experienced labour before child birth. The Federal Government of Nigeria headed by President Goodluck Jonathan is planting mines that will kill her citizens. Nigerians are not finding things easy now that the fuel subsidy is not removed. Is it when fuel subsidy is removed that life will be meaningful for Nigerians? InNigeria, there is no free child up-bringing from day one to five years, by the government. Government does not support child birth in terms of training the young as it is obtainable in theUK. InNigeriathere are no privileges for the citizens that are legally protected by law.

InNigeria, the same thing that is working some where in the world would be practiced in the opposite direction. Three weeks ago, the government ofIndia, decided to provide laptop computers to pupils and students in primary and secondary schools at a very cheap rate of 23 dollars. The exchange rate of 23 dollars in naira is not up to good Six Thousand Naira. That is the real subsidy. InNigeriathe small laptop computer can be sold for N70,000 and somebody would shout ‘we are removing subsidy’ to make things better for Nigerians. But of a truth it is a blatant lie. InNigeriait is fuel you hear of subsidy. And the political and business moguls are the ones to benefit from the fuel subsidy removal. InNigeria, fuel subsidy removal should be seen as a taboo.Nigeriais the number six country in the world in petroleum exploration. So there is no cogent reason whatsoever to give in support of removal of fuel subsidy.

The Government would always threaten her citizens. Why? There is no subsidy in housing inNigeria, there is no subsidy in agriculture and state services. The only area one can observe little subsidy is in state owned transport system; like inRiversStatetransport scheme. The call or approval by the Economic Council of the removal of fuel subsidy is a threat to the relative peace Nigerians enjoy by the mercy of God. Nigerian Government is trying to invite revolution or the uprising that is seen on TV in the Middle East and some parts of North Africa toNigeria. If the Nigerian citizens are made to live in poverty what will the future hold? No matter the advantages of fuel subsidy removal as the crusaders are canvassing, it is evil. Removal of the fuel subsidy, has secret agenda to destabilize this country in the reign of President Goodluck Jonathan. Does the president want the citizens to suffer poverty in the midst of plenty? Does the president want his administration to spill the blood of innocent Nigerians?

It was very clear that President Goodluck Jonathan said nobody should spill blood because of his election. Is it now that Nigerians want to see him lead them to the promised land that this siege is laid? It is moral and just for the Federal Government of Nigeria to allow the subsidy to remain as it was before president Goodluck Jonathan came to office. Some countries in the world depend on foreign aids for their citizens to survive. But that is not the case inNigeria.

The planned fuel subsidy removal is a crime against the Nigerian masses. Does it mean that without fuel subsidy removal, the Federal Government can not give steady power supply, fix good roads, improve health system, improve education standard, and provide employment for the youths? The crusaders of this plot do not wish President Goodluck Jonathan well as President of Nigeria. They want to truncate his administration half way. It is disgusting and indescribable to see some leaders adding salt to scars of injuries on the famished Nigerians.

It is because President Goodluck Jonathan has won the battle of fuel. That is why cabals are bent on destabilizing his administration. This is a plot against Nigerians. TheNigerianStatehas been peaceful despite militancy in the past and present day Boko Haram insurgence in the North. There is no frill scale protest inNigeria. And that is why some group of political class are set to cause turmoil inNigeriain the name of fuel subsidy.

Nigeriais importing her refined fuel for internal consumption. There is no refinery that is working at maximum capacity inNigeriaand our leaders are not worried about lack of refineries or out-dated refineries that are not performing optimally. All our leaders want is fuel subsidy removal to enrich some certain individuals who want to amass wealth at all cost without minding the suffering of their fellow citizens. There is need for President Goodluck Jonathan to reject the approval of the Federal Government Economic Council to avoid revolution in the land. Some will see it as a light thing; but it is not true. Danger is looming inNigeria. Economically, some people are out to frustrate Goodluck Jonathan with their gimmick of fuel subsidy removal. No good Nigerian wants to experience starvation and deadly protests in the country. When there is mass spread of hunger and poverty in. the country, it will lead to out break of epidemic and endemic diseases in the country.

The fact remains that an hungry man is an angry man. And when Nigerians can not live in prosperity, rather in poverty, certainly, anarchy and crimes of various standards would be let loosed. There is this teething question: are those in power selfish? If the subsidy is removed, it will not take two hours for its implementation in the whole country. There are good bills signed into laws that are begging for implementation up till today. But it will not take the leaders and some selfish Nigerians minutes to enforce the subsidy removal. Few years ago, Nigerians were known to be the happiest people on earth and one wondered the irony of the international report.

Indeed, it was a report of caricature on the state of life inNigeria. Many Nigerians are poor and they wallow in abject poverty and yet they do not revolt against the state. It is time for our leaders to think twice about the planned removal of the subsidy. President Jonathan should not think of endorsing the coup against his administration. This fuel subsidy is the only benefit Nigerians enjoy, if it is true. Fuel subsidy removal is an invitation of crisis into the country. Yes,Nigeriais peaceful but this alone can cause total break down of law and order in the Nigerian society. If the removal is enforced, it will encourage a lot of social vices. Therefore, there is need for the Federal Government ofNigeriato listen to the opinion of Nigerian masses rather that the opinion of the selected few. Injury to one is injury to all: therefore the Federal Government should abandon the planed removal of fuel subsidy because already there is fear of uncertainty. Fuel is a blessing and not a curse to Nigerians. President Goodluck Jonathan should not allow disgruntled elements around him to drag his administration into the muddy water full of crocodiles. Nigerians want to see peace and progress inNigeriaand not poverty and blood shed. A stitch in time saves nine.


 Frank Eneawaji Ogwuonuonu is a public affairs analyst who resides inPort Harcourt. ###


Frank Eneawaji Ogwuonuonu


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